Useful resources

I’ve collected a few useful resources here for you that I’ve found really helpful over the last few months:

Emily Nagoski’s the Dirty Normal website:

This website is a treasure trove of helpful advice and tips, plus it’s jampack of information about things like the dual control model of the sex drive AND lots of free e-books, worksheets and general amazingness. Emily wrote a bazillion books and has a PhD specialising in this area, so she’s super worth listening to for anyone just starting their journey into improving their sex drive.

Emily Nagoski’s “Come as You Are” book:

AKA the bible! This book is incredible and just builds on the website information. I found particularly insightful the chapter on the stress response cycle.  Here’s the amazon link:  it’s about £9ish but SO worth it.

Sexology (2016)- film

This film (if you can get past the cheesiness of it and the two presenters) is a really insightful, tender exporation of female sexuality. It follows two american women and their search to reconnect with their sex drives. Its an hour and a half- watch it alone or with the girls, some popcorn, a pinch of salt, and enjoy. For those of you who are sneaky enough to want a pirate copy, maybe you could check this page out just incase you might find a copy hiding around in there. Not that I’m condoning video piracy  or anything…..

Bez Stone website and blog:

Bez Stone is a relationship coach and although I can’t vouch for any of her paid programmes, I really enjoy her blog posts and approach to sexual education. In particular she has experienced low sex drive herself, and advocates taking the pressure off in order to feel happier having sex. I also love the pictures on her Instagram account!

The Scarlet Ladies website/blog and events:

The Scarlet Ladies are a London based collective of women who want to empower other women to talk about sex. They organise great events that focus on loving your body and increasing your enjoyment of sex- well worth a look!

Amy Jo Goddard (she’s amazing) and her website. She runs a course called Fire Women which looks great but lots of free content on her site.

Maj Wismann: “Quitting love isn’t an option”

Places like OMGyes are a good starting point- they have some great free videos on their Facebook page to get you thinking about pleasure. Love Matter’s work on the Pleasure Portal is a really interesting on pleasure and campaigning for sex education to talk about pleasure.

Hope that helps little pearls, please share your thoughts or any other resources below 🙂